29 weeks and 3 days preggo today :)
We made it to the 3rd Trimester can't believe it, already?

We made it to the 3rd Trimester can't believe it, already?
We had a very busy week last week....
Monday I had my Doc appointment where I got my blood sugar checked. I failed my 1st test. My blood sugar was 150 1 hour after I drank the yummy orange drink. The doctor said 139 and below is good and 200 and above is Gestational Diabetes. So I was in the Gray area which means I had to go in for test #2 a 3 HOUR test at the hospital. I couldn't eat 12 hours before the test once I got there they drew my blood. Then I got to drink another orange drink (which tastes like Sunkist ;) and then every hour after that drink for 3 hours they draw blood. So needless to say I have 2 nice little bruises on my arms But it was worth it cause I PASSED!! I do NOT have Gestational Diabetes :) Bring on the sweets!! haha
I also sense I last updated found a new love for Garage sales! I went 2 days in a row and found a few outfits but the big thing was a CRIB! Here is my Sierra testing it out for us to make sure its good a sturdy. LOL She may look like she doesn't mind it in there but she wasn't to thrilled about it that's for sure. Gary makes Sierra try out everything 1st. He also put her in Baby's stroller. What is Daddy going to make the poor dog do next?

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