Monday Gary and I went to our big Ultrasound.
Many of you know that they make to drink a ton of water before this Ultrasound well i did just that. I had more than the 24oz they recommend you to have. We got there at about 8:50 got checked in. Sat there for about 20 min thinking what in the world is going on? They make me drink this much water and are going to make me just sit here?? So I got up some courage and went and talked to the lady at the desk. She said my appt wasn't until 9:30. DANGIT!!!! I had to pee so bad i didn't think I was going to be able to hold it. I was pacing the waiting room while Gary was sitting just laughing at me.
Very shortly after 9:30 we got called back. (I was very excited) Hoping that laying down would take the pressure off my bladder a little. NOPE she had to get the pics she needed with my full bladder then she let me use the restroom. Got back and the baby had lots more room and decided to flip around so we got more pics with his head facing the other direction. He's like ahhh I have so much more room. We caught him stretching out a little too, his back arched and his legs went almost straight. So fricken cute!!

Sorry couldn't get this one to upload correctly. But it is by far my Favorite.

I thought hearing the heartbeat was amazing, but this was breath taking.
The way you could see every little detail on our little guy. He was moving around the whole time :)
We thought about having the Ultrasound tech write down the gender on a piece of paper and we would open it later but I'm glad we didn't it was such a special moment in that room when we saw that is was a boy! Tears of joy from the both of us. The 1st shot she took trying to see the gender he was sitting with his legs tight together so we waited a little bit and tried again. Next time the little guy was sitting Indian style no doubt about it, there it was our little Man.We got an estimated length of a little more than 5 inch. His Heart rate was 140bpm.
Everything looked wonderful. She told us if there was a problem the Doctor would call and no news is good news :)
We are going to keep the name a secret in case some of you were wondering. You will have to wait till our little guy is born. :)
Cute little story about Sunday night....
I was so excited about the Ultrasound and finding out what we were having I could not stop thinking about baby names. So I started saying some to Gary trying to get him to pick a girl name or at least get our top 2 down. He said I will pick a boy name but we will talk about girl names tomorrow night after the Ultrasound. So i thought that is fair lets get this boy name figured out. So we had 5 then 2 then we both agreed on 1. It was actually easier than I thought it was going to be. And we never had to think about the girl names Gary just knew his little boy was in there.
We continue to Pray that the good Lord keeps me, baby and daddy healthy as the next 21 weeks approach.
Let the shopping for Baby Boy things BEGIN!!!
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