Gary and I went to my first Doctors appointment this morning.
I LOVE my Doctor she is so nice,
We were hoping to hear a heart beat but he/she was hiding so Doc couldn't get a good angle. She said if its a boy hes being stubborn if its a girl she's just being shy. (thought that was cute)
So we headed to the ultrasound room sense it was empty and we got to see that the heart was beating at a healthy pace of 189 bpm. The other news we got was that I am not as far along as we thought. The Baby is measuring 2.40 cm which is about the size at 9 weeks so the due date is now around the 28th of July.
It was so amazing we could see the little hands and feet moving. Makes everything seem so much more real :) God is so good!!!
God IS so good! I'm guessing GIRL!!! How exciting : ) So happy you guys got to see your little peanut. What a very special Christmas gift!