Thursday, December 10, 2009

The big news

Ok I think I have told almost everyone about our BIG news!
So i'm posting it on the Blog.
Gary and I got the best Christmas present EVER a BABY !
After praying hard God has answered our prayers. We were actually just starting to take fertility tests to figure out what was actually going on.
I am 8 weeks 6 days along making the baby due July 16. A perfect time of the year to take 3 months off :) (couldn't have planned that any better)
I'm not feeling the greatest, headaches started yesterday makes me just want to crawl into bed.
Living on water and crackers carrots and celery my stomach says NO to anything else. It better go away before Christmas so I can EAT EAT EAT!!!!
I also cant wait to have my energy back!
My first doctor's appointment is on the 22nd hopefully we will be able to hear the heartbeat.

I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas!!


  1. Looks like you are getting the hang of it! :) I might have to take lessons from you!

  2. congrats on the baby news and welcome to the blogging world
